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Sustainability and implementation of the 2030 Agenda

“Italy supports the vision and guiding principles set out in the 2030 Agenda, aimed at fostering peaceful, just and inclusive societies, free from fear and violence, and strongly reaffirms that there can be no sustainable development without peace and no peace without sustainable development”.

This is the beginning of the report Italy has submitted to the United Nations in 2022 on the state of implementation – at national and local levels – of the Action Programme signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 Member States of the Organisation.

Through its 17 Sustainable Development Goals and its 5 Pillars (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, Partnerships), the ambitious UN strategy is aimed at tackling a wide range of global problems, with the ambitious goal of solving them by 2030.

The challenges include poverty, hunger, the right to health and education, access to water and energy, employment, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, climate change and environmental protection, urbanisation, social and gender equality, justice and peace.


sostenibilità e attuazione agenda 2030


The 2030 Agenda has greatly influenced the development policies of the countries adhering to it, by overcoming particular approaches, reaffirming the need for an integrated and transformative vision, emphasising the essential nature of careful monitoring and evaluation of interventions and policies based on a broader collection of data, and reaffirming that action at every level must prioritise the last and most vulnerable people.

The paradigm shift of the 2030 Agenda has led to a faster evolution of the multilateral debate on development, which is seamlessly producing new orientations, ranging from the deepening of dialogue between all governmental and non-governmental players to the strengthening of causal links between sustainable development, human rights and peace and security; to the cross-cutting nature of achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment; to the strengthening of the link between emergency interventions and development policies; to the centrality of youth policies; to the relevance of access to justice for building more democratic, transparent and equitable societies; to the growing symbiosis between environmental protection and development; to the importance of international collaboration in the area of taxation; to the need for involving the private sector in the promotion of sustainability and cooperation activities; to the definition of a more comprehensive, shared and responsible framework for managing refugee and migration flows and tackling the root causes that give rise to them.

The post-Covid-19 scenario confirms the strategic vision of the Italian Cooperation, i.e. to favour sustainable development by creating opportunities and enhancing Italy’s expertise in strategic sectors for partner countries and for Italy itself. Italy’s foreign policy therefore aims at conforming to these economic, social and environmental criteria and defending them in negotiations, as an identifying characteristic of its orientation on the European and global levels. In this regard, the action of the Italian Cooperation follows a systemic, multi-player, multidisciplinary approach, inspired by the principles of partnership and solidarity, responsibility, subsidiarity, transparency, respect and promotion of International Humanitarian Law. In this regard, the Italian Cooperation has equipped itself with a Three-Year Programming and Policy Guidance Document, which sets the action goals, the geographical, thematic and sectoral priorities, and defines the Development Cooperation’s implementation areas for the three-year period.

It is a medium- and long-term vision that has the 2030 Agenda, its goals and its pillars as its reference horizon, with an approach based on respect for human rights and greater attention to the human dimension, the protection of fundamental freedoms, the strengthening of the rule of law, and social justice.

Every forum, multilateral body or international conference is now faced with the need to assess the conformity of its action and the real contribution of its members to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the 2030 Agenda.

In this context, not only the governments of UN Member States, but also their civil societies and the related private sectors, are indispensable recipients of the 2030 Agenda and, as such, they are part of national sustainability policies.