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Note of the Foreign Ministry – Tunisia. The Italian Cooperation service’s emergency contribution to combat COVID-19

Following upon Minister Di Maio’s visit to Tunisia last 28 December, the Italian Cooperation service has allocated an emergency contribution of 500,000 euros to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The financial contribution shall be used by the Organization to purchase and distribute oxygen generators and to provide training to hospitals’ technical staff on the use and maintenance of the devices.

The contribution falls within the scope of Italy’s response to the serious health emergency caused by COVID-19 in Tunisia. Said response consists in the donation of 1.5 million doses of vaccine, the delivery of over 25 tons of medical material (mechanical ventilators, protective masks, gloves, surgical gowns and sanitizer gel) and in a 200,000 euro contribution to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) for the provision of medical oxygen concentrators.