“De André is alive, long live De Andrè!” was the show that the Italian Cultural Institute in Copenhagen organized to pay homage to ‘Faber’, Fabrizio De Andrè, the Genoa-born singer and song writer who passed away twenty years ago. Madam Dori Ghezzi participated in the event.
Ambassador Luigi Ferrari recalled how De Andre’s songs innovated the Italian music tradition by calling the attention on themes of major social relevance. The show’s programme, which featured many artists, included both the performance of some of Faber’s songs, as well as drama and poetry with Pablo Paolo Peretti’s readings dedicated to De André. The event closed on the notes of the song “Il pescatore”, accompanied by Baldovino’s guitar and sung by the choir conducted by Dori Ghezzi and joined by all the participating artists (Margherita Canu, Feinschmecker Quartet, Alessandro Garau, Pablo Paolo Peretti, Simone Grussu, Gatto Rosso, Laura Spano, Baldovino, Beniamino Solinas, Manuela Mameli and Maria Ylenia Trozzolo, presented by Emma Fenu).
Alongside the Embassy of Italy in Copenhagen and the Italian Culture Institute, worthy of mention was the excellent contribution to the successful organization of the event given by the Associazione Culturale Sarda “Incantos” in cooperation with the designer Claus Miller, the Italian Restaurant San Giorgio and several other Italian partners like Istituto Fernando Santi e Pierpaolo Cicalò, the Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, the Fondazione Fabrizio De André and Arnaldo Bolsi.