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Athens: Sicilian puppets narrate the Iliad

Atene, i pupi siciliani raccontano l’Iliade

In collaboration with the Italian School of Athens, the Parnassos Literary Society and the Art and Speech Laboratory of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens presents “L’Iliade o sia il riscatto di Priamo”, a free adaptation for Sicilian puppets by Mimmo Cuticchio, from the Figli d’Arte Cuticchio Association of Palermo.

The show, which is scheduled for 22 January, is a staging in which the epic merges with the contemporary and features new puppets created around the figures of the Greeks and Trojans, in keeping with the traditional canons handed down from generation to generation within the family. Similarly, ancient and modern instruments are blended in the original soundtrack, which was created specifically for the show and accompanies the events represented in a dialectical progression, following the rhythms of improvisation typical of puppet theatre.

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