Bioversity International
- Senior Impact Officer, CGIAR Hub for Sustainable Finance
Livello 10, sede Roma
Scad. 17.09.2024
ESA – European Space Agency
FAO – Food and Agricolture Organization
- Senior Fishery Officer (Liason)
Grado P5, sede Roma
Scad. 22.09.2024 - Secretary, International Plant Protection Convention
Grado D1, sede Roma
Scad. 23.09.2024
IFAD – International Fund for Agricoltural Development
- Director, International Land Coalition
Grado D1, sede Roma
Scad. 17.09.2024 - Chief, Documents and Language Services
Grado P5, sede Roma
Scad. 18.09.2024
WFP – World Food Program
- Chief, Human Resources Technology and Analytics Branch
Grado P5, sede Roma
Scad. 30.09.2024
IDLO – International Development Law Organization
- Policy, Advocacy and Engagement Advisor
Grado Band B, sede L’Aia
Scad. 19.09.2024 - Security Advisor
Grado Band B, sede Roma
Scad. 15.09.2024
- Head of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic
Grado ASG, sede Ginevra
Scad. 19.09.2024 - Focal Point for de-listing, Sanctions Committees
Grado CON, sede New York
Scad. 13.09.2024
OSCE – Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
- Head, Office of Political Affairs and Communications
Grado S4, sede Skopje
Scad. 30.09.2024
WIPO – World Intellectual Property Organization
- Head, PCT Business Demand Management Section
Grado P4, sede Ginevra
Scad. 18.09.2024
ICCROM – International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
- Legal Advisor
Sede Roma
Scad. 18.09.2024
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
- Legal Officer
Grado P3, sede Parigi
Scad. 02.10.2024 - Reviseur
Grado P4, sede Parigi
Scad. 02.10.2024
WHO – World Health Organization
- Director, Data and analytics
Grado D2, sede Ginevra