Minister Paolo Gentiloni chaired the fourth meeting of the Italia Internazionale Control Centre created in 2011 with the goal of defining guidelines and strategies for the foreign promotion and internationalisation of Italian products.
Prospects and strategies for internationalisation
Attending the meeting will be Minister for Economy and Finance Pier Carlo Padoan, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport Maurizio Lupi, Deputy Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda, Under-Secretary for Culture and Tourism Teresa Barracciu, President of the Marche Region Gian Mario Spacca as representative of the Conference of the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, President of UnionCamere Ferruccio Dardanello, President of CNA and Rete Imprese Italia Daniele Vaccarino il President the Alliance of Cooperatives Rosario Altieri, officials from the Ministry of Agricultural Policy, Confindustria and the Italian Banking Association and President of ICE-Agenzia Riccardo Monti.
The meeting will be an opportunity to take stock of prospects and strategies for economic internationalisation, as well as of the status of the Extraordinary Plan for Made in Italy and its implementation, attraction of foreign investments, collaboration with the Regions and the EXPO 2015 programme of initiatives, all activities that place the Italian diplomatic-consular network in the forefront.