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Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and International Cooperation
Piazzale della Farnesina, 1
00135 Rome

Main switchboard: 0039-06.36911


The MFAIC’s institutionalised and certified e-mail address:

For information and announcements regarding Ministry activities:
Office for Relations with the Public (URP)

  • Telephone 0039 – 06 3691 8899, from Monday to Friday, 8.30 to 15.30
  • Email
    Using the Information request form to send your questions to the URP. You can write your question in English, French and Spanish, as well as Italian. We will reply to the email address you provide.Exclusively for requests of civic access (simple or generalised) in accordance with Legislative Decree 33/2013, please use the following dedicated channels:-ordinary electronic mail: electronic mail: urp.foia@cert.esteri.itExclusively for document access requests pursuant to Law 241/90 and subsequent amendments and additions, please use the following channels:ordinary electronic mail: urp@esteri.itcertified electronic mail: urp.mae@cert.esteri.itTo request information, users are kindly requested to use exclusively the following web mail form:

In cases of proven emergency involving Italian nationals at risk (natural disasters, acts of terrorism, piracy, socio-political unrest abroad), the Farnesina Crisis Unit can be contacted on a 24-hour basis on 06.36225 or email:

How to get here


The following certified e-mail address has been created solely for requests from other ministries concerning legally sanctioned spot checks regarding certificates and substitute statements  (Law of 12 November 2011) :

WARNING:  correspondence from other ministries only will be considered.