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Transparent Budget

Why transparent accounts?

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Reading and – even more difficult – understanding a ministry’s accounts is an almost impossible task for all but the experts. The aim of this project is to make ouraccounts both accessible and easy to understand. In a word, transparent.

We believe that transparency in our financial accounting is an essential instrument to implement the democratic and constitutional principles of equality, impartiality, good performance, responsibility, efficacy and efficiency in the use of public resources, and integrity and fairness in the service of the nation.

The laws and regulations issued in recent years reiterate these principles.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation wanted to go further than mere formal compliance, which it has already accomplished in full. Our intention with these pages is to move on from boring tables and complex diagrams.

We want to make the uses to which tax-payers’ money is put more visible and highlight the services and activities made possible by those resources. Another aimis to explain the amount of resources thatis spent, how these resources are spent and why it is important to go on spending them.

We hope we have succeeded.

This section is, for now, only available in Italian.