Webinar “Intellectual property at the service of businesses in foreign markets “
On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the ICE Agency are organising a webinar, scheduled to be held on 26 April at 3 p.m., on “Intellectual property at the service of businesses in foreign markets”.
The event is aimed in particular at SMEs and is part of the training activities envisaged by the Pact for Export as a strategy to boost Italian exports and strengthen the tools to support internationalisation in the current climate of the coronavirus emergency. The aim is to provide key information on how to protect and enhance competitiveness with intellectual property rights in emerging markets and make use of the services available to SMEs at international and EU level.
See the programme and join the webinar by signing up within 23, April 12:00pm
For more information and contacts:
DG Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation – Office XI
Email: dgsp-11@esteri.it