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Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue on the Food Security Crisis (Wednesday, 8 June)

Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue on the Food Security Crisis

On Wednesday, 8 June, the Farnesina will host the first Mediterranean Ministerial Dialogue on the Food Security Crisis. The event will aim to single out concrete measures to tackle the impact of the crisis generated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine on food security in the Mediterranean.
The event will be chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, 
Luigi Di Maio, and co-chaired by Germany (in the capacity of President of the G7), Turkey (as a Member of the G20) and Lebanon (a Country hard hit by the crisis).

The event will be attended by the Director General of the FAO, Qu Dongyu (in person), the competent Ministers of the 24 Countries of the area (in video connection) and the Representatives of the 7 International Organizations concerned. The event will be closed to the media.

The initiative, which was proposed by Italy and included in the outreach actions of the G7, will lay the grounds for the discussion on the theme of food security at the G7 Summit next June, assigning a central role to the most affected Countries in the region.

The initiative follows in the wake of the Matera Declaration of June 2021 promoted by the Italian Presidency of the G20, which has become a fundamental document within the framework of food security at global level.

At 10:00 AM, Minister Luigi Di Maio and the Director General of the FAO, Qu Dongyu, will make statements to the press in streaming on the YOUTUBE channel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.