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Note by the Foreign Ministry- Talks between Libyan parties in Montreux

Italy warmly welcomed the recommendations that the representatives of the Libyan parties agreed to following the outcome of the talks held from 7th to 9th September in Montreux, Switzerland, under the auspices of UNSMIL.

Following parallel statements by the President of the Presidential Council, Fayez Serraj, and the President of the House of Representatives, Aghila Saleh, on 21st August, the talks are a step in the right direction with a view to the forthcoming convening of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum.

If implemented and concretised by the participants in the Libyan Political Dialogue, the Montreux recommendations will help to create the necessary conditions to define a shared institutional framework and electoral path that will guarantee the representativeness of the Libyan people and the sovereignty and unity of Libya.

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