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Deputy Minister Della Vedova visits Palermo for the inauguration of the Franco-German Cultural Centre

Deputy Minister Benedetto Della Vedova has taken part today, in Palermo, in the inauguration of the Kultur Ensemble project, an artist residency programme set up by the cultural institutes of France and Germany. The event has been attended by the Mayor of the city, Leoluca Orlando, and by Michelle Müntefering, Minister of State for International Cultural Policy at the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, and Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, French Secretary of State for Tourism, French living abroad and Francophonie, as well as the Ambassadors of Germany and France to Italy, Viktor Elbling and Christian Masset.

“In Palermo, the French Cultural Institute and the Goethe Institute have been promoting French and German languages and cultures for half a century, in a fruitful encounter with Italian culture” – Deputy Minister Della Vedova has emphasised. The Deputy Minister has also stressed the European dimension of the project, which aims to promote a new mobility within Europe of artists, to foster the opening up and cultural growth of the European Union, as also referred to by Müntefering and Lemoyne. “The bilateral Franco-German relationship – Deputy Minister Della Vedova has explained – is therefore becoming trilateral, and fully includes Italy for strengthening the ties between our countries, between our countries and Europe, and between our countries and the broader Mediterranean. Our artists will use their common European roots to promote Europe in the world, starting from the city of Palermo.”



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