The Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Edmondo Cirielli, participated, together with the Mayor of Trieste Roberto Dipiazza, in the event “Trieste: Science for the 2030 Agenda” organised within the framework of the #InsiemepergliSDGs campaign in Trieste scheduled from 15 to 18 November 2023.
The event was attended by the President of Area Science Park and the Friuli Venezia Giulia Scientific and Innovation System, Caterina Petrillo, the Regional Councilor for the Environmental Protection, Energy and Sustainable Development Fabio Scoccimarro, as well as the Directors of the international organisations of the Trieste Scientific Pole: ICTP, TWAS, ICGEB, IAP and OWSD.
In his closing speech, Deputy Minister Cirielli stated that “Trieste is a city of science and scientific cooperation that, also thanks to the presence of the International Scientific Pole, provides research and training to support the most vulnerable countries, starting from Africa where Italy is committed with initiatives to ensure growth, stability and development in the perspective of the Mattei Plan”.
Trieste is the expression of an area that integrates research, innovation and industry within a dynamic region where science translates into development and technology thanks to industrial parks such as the Area Science Park. It is with this in mind that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, together with the Ministry of University and Research, supports the Friuli Venezia Giulia Scientific and Innovation System as a network for enhancing the territory by favouring the connection between scientific and economic realities.
In the afternoon, Deputy Minister Cirielli visited the premises of the International Scientific Pole of Trieste, which receives funding from the Italian government amounting to EUR 35 million, almost 15 of which from MAECI, for the implementation of important scientific training and research activities in favour of the countries of the Global South.