On Wednesday 12 February 2020, at the Italian Embassy to the Holy See (Palazzo Borromeo), in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella and the highest institutional offices of the Italian Republic and the Holy Seat, the 91st anniversary of the Lateran Pacts and the 36th anniversary of the Agreement amending the Concordat will be celebrated.
Bilateral governmental meetings will begin at 4.15 p.m.
For the moments of the Ceremony, given the limited capacity of the meeting rooms, it may be necessary to train a pool of photographers and camera operators.
Journalists, video operators and photographers interested in covering the event are kindly request to apply for accreditation no later than 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday 11 February, in one of the following ways:
- ONLINE at https://portaleaccreditamento.esteri.it , attaching the required digital documentation (letter by the media organisation to which the reporter belongs and, in the case of representatives of foreign-based media organisations, also a Note issued by the Embassy in Rome of the relevant country);
- BY EMAIL to accreditamentostampa@esteri.it, (tel. 06/3691.3432 – 06/3691.8573), attaching the above mentioned documentation.
The press is invited to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (rear entrance, via Macchia della Farnesina) for the planned security checks.
A shuttle service will then depart from the Farnesina to Palazzo Borromeo and back.
Journalists, photographers and video operators who go to the event by their own means, even if previously accredited, will not be allowed to enter Palazzo Borromeo without having carried out security checks at the Farnesina and will, therefore, be accompanied by a shuttle service on-site.
Journalists, photographers and television operators are requested to report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation – rear entrance in via Macchia della Farnesina – on Wednesday 12 February, from 2.00 p.m. and no later than 2.45 p.m. (maximum punctuality is required).
The shuttles will depart from Palazzo Borromeo approximately at 6.30 p.m. to bring the press back to the Farnesina.
Appropriate clothing is required for the event.
Inside Palazzo Borromeo it will be possible to carry out live broadcast only with a backpack. It will be possible to carry out live broadcast with satellite means only outside the Palace (without laying cables inside), after having communicated, by and no later than 6.00 p.m. on Tuesday 11 February, the plates of the means and the names of the technical personnel, in order to authorize their work outside Palazzo Borromeo (accreditamentostampa@esteri.it).