This section offers an overview of work and study opportunities in the European Union’s Member States.
Most of the posts are in the institutional headquarters in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, although some posts are available in the Representations to the Member States, as well as in the Delegations to Third Countries.
The European Union offers various professional opportunities to the citizens of its Member States. For all the information on job opportunities in the EU, as well as for possible notices of tender and selections, please consult the official website of the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO – or directly the Official Journal of the European Union ( and the websites of EU institutions, bodies and organisations (e.g. the European Central Bank, the European Investment Bank, etc.).
Permanent employees
The permanent posts in which staff of the European institutions are placed are open to tender. The categories of permanent staff are subdivided into: AD (“Administrator”, corresponding to the “Officials” profiles) and AST (“Assistant”, covering administrative tasks). For these categories, the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) organises annual tenders in which European citizens who meet the requirements can participate. For more information and for planned or ongoing tenders, see the EPSO website.
Employees with fixed-term contracts
It is also possible to apply for the posts of “Contract Agent” and “Temporary Agent”: these are fixed-term positions for which the candidate must pass a selection procedure organised either by EPSO or directly by the EU institutions, bodies and organisations concerned.
For a detailed overview of the categories of staff in the European institutions, please consult the EPSO website..
Internships, lasting several months, are advertised on the EPSO website, as well as directly on the websites of EU institutions, bodies and organisations.