The Farnesina (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) provides annual grants for the co-financing of Youth Exchange projects. Since 2016 the contributions are paid based on a call for proposals that is published annually on this page and which we recommend you read carefully.
The contributions are offered to projects aimed at the realisation of socio-cultural training courses of curricular enrichment and professional training for young Italians and foreigners, in Italy and abroad, aged between 18 and 30 years., with the exception of projects involving secondary school students (age group 14-18). The projects aim to promote cultural exchange activities to develop respect, communication and tolerance in the new generations through the mutual knowledge of cultural diversity, including through the creation of transnational partnerships between two or more people from different countries.
The main objectives pursued by the project activities are:
- curricular enrichment and professional training;
- the active participation of young people in social and political life;
- the social inclusion of young people;
- the enhancement of cultural, artistic and environmental heritage.
Non-profit Associations, Onlus, local authorities and public and private educational institutions with registered offices in Italy, and established for at least five years on the date of expiry of this Call for Proposals, may apply for a contribution.
Applications must be submitted to the General Directorate for the Promotion of the Country System of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, which will evaluate the project and communicate the decision whether to award the financial contribution. The contribution of the MAECI takes the form of co-financing. It is intended to partially cover the costs of the project, for a maximum of 70% of the total expenses, duly certified.
As regards the origin of the young beneficiaries, the priority regions / countries for the year 2024 are the following ones: MENA region, Sub-Saharan Africa, Balkans, France, Germany, Mexico, Japan, Republic of Korea.
In any case, projects concerning other geographical areas may be taken into consideration.
Bando scambi giovanili 2022
Allegato 1 Domanda
Allegato 2 Scheda Progetto
Allegato 3 Rendiconto