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In the EU Institutions

Seconded National Experts (SNEs)

The institution of Seconded National Experts (SNEs), whereby the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies make use of the professional expertise of staff provided by the public administrations of the Member States, deserves a special mention.

SNEs are usually officials who are experts in their professional field, employed on a paid basis by a central, regional or local public administration in their country.

Through their secondment as Seconded National Experts (SNEs), Italian and other EU Member State public administration officials respond to the EU’s demand for specific professional profiles. Secondment to the EU is also an opportunity for the seconding administrations and for the seconded staff themselves to broaden and deepen their network of contacts within the EU.

The institution of the Seconded National Expert is governed within the EU by legislation issued by the individual institutions, bodies and organisations. In case of applications for SNE positions, it is therefore necessary to refer to the specific legislation issued by the relevant institution, body or organisation. The reference Italian legislation is DPCM No. 184 of October 30, 2014, in force since December 30, 2014.

Please refer to the page of this website dedicated to SNEs to consult the calls for proposals and to find out more about the rules, how to apply and the forms.

National Experts on Vocational Training (ENFP)

It is a training programme promoted by the European Commission in favour of Member States’ officials of central, regional or local public administrations. The objective is to provide national officials with a knowledge of the European Commission’s policies and working methods through practical experience that allows them to use the knowledge acquired when they return to their national administrations.

Two tenders are published each year.

All useful information can be found on the dedicated page of this website.

Short-term internships

This is a training programme set up by the European Commission for Member States’ officials of central, regional or local public administrations who have been working for at least six months in a field relating to EU policies and with a seniority of between six months and five years.

The dedicated page of this website provides detailed information on the programme.