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Argentina – Italian UNESCO sites seen by 14 photographers

Italian World Heritage sites will take centre-stage from Mar. 2 to Apr. 3 in Buenos Aires. The “UN.IT UNESCO Italia” exhibition will display the works of 14 Italian photographers who immortalised these sites. Over 160 photographs of great artistic and cultural value have been chosen for the occasion to represent the Italian sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The show will display some of the works of the greatest Italian photographers, including Vittore Fossati, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Gabriele Basilico and Mimmo Jodice. The exhibition, which will be inaugurated by Dario Franceschini, the Minister of Heritage and Cultural Activities and Tourism (MIBACT), has been organised by the Foreign Ministry and MIBACT in partnership with the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, the Italian embassy in Argentina and the Italian Institute of Culture (IIC) in the capital.

“Un.It Unesco Italia”

The event is one of the initiatives of the “Year of Italy in Latin America”, a project sponsored by the Foreign Ministry in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Ministry for Economic Development, the Italian Trade Agency (ICE), the Conference of Italian University Rectors and with the contribution of many companies. Over the 12 months of the Year of Italy, approximately 200 events will showcase the cultural, economic, scientific and technological highlights of contemporary Italy. The primary goal of this ambitious and complex project is to promote Italy’s identity and talents in Latin America.

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