Those who mention the names of Guido Scarabottolo and Teresa Sdralevich are talking about two masters of graphics and illustration. They are ready to compare their creative worlds in an exhibition set to open on Thursday February 4 at 7pm at the Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels (38 Rue de Livourne). Organised by the Italian Cultural Institute itself, the exhibition is entitled “Eurolines. Posters and drawings between Milan and Brussels” and will give the public the chance to discover the artwork of Scarabottolo and Sdralevich. The first, born in 1947, is one of the most famous and most award-winning illustrators on the international scene. He is famous for his covers for the Guanda publishing house and his drawings on the pages of “Il Sole 24 ore”, the “Internazionale”, the “New York Times” and the “New Yorker”. Sdralevich has been living in Brussels since 1994 and works in Belgium, France and Italy. He creates book covers, children’s illustrations, campaigns of public interest and posters for cultural events. As a poster designer, he has taken part in various international exhibitions and events. He has illustrated twenty or so children’s books, including the novels by Eva Ibbotson (Salani). He also collaborates with the magazine Internazionale.