An Italian military aircraft landed in Baghdad today carrying a shipment of medicines donated by the Comunita’ Sant’Egidio to the displaced from Fallujah in Iraq.
The initiative was conducted by the Italian Cooperation in conjunction with the Ministry of Defence. It was part of a greater aid operation, which will take place in the next few days and be conducted in conjunction with the UN Humanitarian Response Depot in Brindisi (UHHRD). The shipment of 12 tonnes of relief supplies by the Italian Cooperation (tents, blankets, water tanks, electricity generators, portable toilets, hygiene kits, and first aid kits for people who have suffered traumas and need surgical treatment) will reach Bassora by sea. Upon arrival, relief supplies will be distributed to the displaced from Fallujah.
This humanitarian intervention meets the request by the Comunita’ di Sant’Egidio and the plea launched by the Iraqi Presidential Commission for National Reconciliation. It is a tangible sign of solidarity towards the civilian population of Fallujah, hit by the heavy bombing that took place last June during the attack to free the city from ISIS militants.