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Russian-Ukrainian conflict: singling out alternative sources of supply for several raw materials

Measures continue to be adopted to support the enterprises directly hit by the negative fallout of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The Farnesina, in association with Confindustria and the ICE Agency, have designed a project aimed at, on the one hand, identifying the main raw materials and key semifinished products necessary to domestic industries normally supplied by the Countries currently in conflict; on the other hand, at singling out and offering companies alternative sources of supply for the aforesaid raw materials and semifinished products.

Through the active engagement of the diplomatic and consular network, the Farnesina has already singled out and contacted several potential suppliers in markets other than those involved in the conflict.

For further information and the details necessary to contact possible alternative suppliers, please write an email to of the Crisis Unit for Companies, which was specifically established at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation following the outbreak of the conflict.

Click here to consult the list of the 19 key raw materials singled out.

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