Beloved by Brazilian readers as well, the Italian-Somali writer Igiaba Scego returned to Brazil on 6 August for a series of events to present the Portuguese translation of her latest novel, “Cassandra a Mogadiscio”. Shortlisted for the 2023 Strega Prize, the novel is simultaneously a letter, a historical testimony, and a family genealogy. Through a narrative that moves between past and present, the author explores diasporic identity and the central role of women in historical events. The protagonist of the novel grapples with the weight of family memories and a Somalia that is both distant and deeply rooted in her identity.
The book has been acclaimed for its ability to give voice to often untold experiences, shedding light on the complexities of a fragmented cultural heritage. The author will be in Brazil until 5 September, visiting Salvador, São Paulo, Campinas, Araraquara, Rio de Janeiro, and Paracatu.