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“italiana”: language, culture and creativity in the world

Today the launch of the Farnesina italiana portal ( for the promotion of Italian language, culture and creativity in the world. A project that sees the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation engaged both as a promoter and as a producer of integrated promotional initiatives.

italiana is the Farnesina’s response to the demand for Italian culture around the world. A unique vessel – free for the public – where music, literature, poetry, cinema, theatre, visual arts, web art, as well as architecture, design, history, archaeology, food and wine come to the fore. An investment for the development of the Italian cultural and creative sector, deeply affected by the pandemic but which has never stopped imagining, producing and making people dream. A sector that also aims for innovation and growth on an international level.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has supported the internationalization of artists and cultural and creative industries with additional resources, producing and promoting over 400 original works and content and engaging hundreds of artists and professionals. This commitment is flanked by the initiatives (face-to-face and virtual) carried out by the 128 Embassies and Permanent Representations, by the 81 Consulates and by the 82 Italian Cultural Institutes – which, together with the Italian schools abroad and the archaeological missions, make up the “extended cultural network” of the Farnesina around the world.

italiana is not a point of arrival but a point of departure: it is the beginning of a journey that will see the Farnesina and its network abroad accompany Italian culture and creativity in the coming years, offering the international public new ways of enjoying it where the in-person component will always be associated with a digital part, capable of reaching new spectators and new countries.

italiana. Italy has never been so close.



What will we find on italiana?

Here are some examples, born from the collaboration with artists, festivals and cultural partners, of the launch events already available online: the musical journeys of JazzLife with Umbria Jazz, the interviews of Ritratti di donne with the Premio Solinas, the performances of Vivere all’Italiana sul palcoscenico e in musica (classical and Jazz), the documentary Testimoni dei Testimoni by Studio Azzurro, the podcasts of Music & the Cities with Studio33 ….

In the italiana project there is no lack of surprises even for the little ones: in the coming months, in fact, the famous mouse journalist Geronimo Stilton will reveal the “wonders” of Italy to children from all over the world.

Much more content will arrive shortly, starting from that related to the 700th anniversary of the death of Dante Alighieri, the 150th anniversary of the birth of Grazia Deledda, the only Italian female writer to have received a Nobel Prize, and the centenary of the birth of Leonardo Sciascia.

The italiana platform (in Italian and English) is arranged into three macro-sections: Culture and Creativity, Language and Training and Opportunities. Set up as if it were a real magazine, italiana will also offer interviews, focuses, and insights. It also features a periodic newsletter that will provide information on all the news, a Vimeo channel for films, documentaries, performances and other original video and audio content and a constant presence on the Farnesina’s social networks.

Lastly, italiana is the channel for information on the activities of the Farnesina’s cultural network, and to stay updated on the 82 Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, the Italian language schools, the language assistantships, the archaeological missions, and the initiatives related to UNESCO and the Italian World Heritage Sites.

The italiana channels and addresses

The portal

Instagram (@italymfa)

Facebook (

Twitter (@italyMFA)


The newsletter

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