“I am very pleased with the overall budget of the first joint committee of 2018, which approved 42 projects for a total of about 265 million euros”
“I am very pleased with the overall budget of the first joint committee of 2018, which approved 42 projects for a total of about 265 million euros, with 95 earmarked for aid credit and 150 as voluntary funding to international organisations”. The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, used these words to […]
Read moreAnnual Conference of Scientic Attachés
Today the Farnesina is hosting a conference of the world’s leading figures from the world of research, universities, innovative companies and start-ups and Scientific Attachés, who have been convened in Rome from their overseas offices for their annual meeting. The central theme of the debate will be the key topic of Health 4.0. The network […]
Read morePresentation of the “Election Portal”
The “Election Portal”, which was presented to the press today, is an innovative digital tool in line with the Digital Agenda of the Italian Public Administration. It is designed to enable a more efficient management of the voting procedure for Italian nationals living abroad on the occasion of the next parliamentary elections. The Portal represents a “radar” […]
Read moreChange the World Model United Nations
“E’ un grandissimo piacere accogliervi qui, alla Farnesina, nella casa della diplomazia italiana. E’ molto bello vedere così tanti giovani interessati alla diplomazia e al mondo che ci circonda”. Con queste parole il ministro degli Esteri Angelino Alfano si è rivolto a trecentocinquanta giovani, provenienti da sessanta Paesi, in occasione della cerimonia di apertura dell’iniziativa […]
Read moreChange the World Model United Nations
“It is a great pleasure to welcome you here to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the home of Italian diplomacy. The sight of so many young people interested in diplomacy and our surrounding world is very heartening”. The Foreign Minister, Angelino Alfano used these words to address three hundred and fifty young people […]
Read moreImmigrazione albanese in italia
“Il Ministro per la Diaspora albanese, Pandeli Majko, è stato ricevuto ieri alla Farnesina dal Direttore Generale per gli Italiani all’Estero e le Politiche Migratorie Luigi Vignali, insieme ad alti funzionari delle Direzioni della Cooperazione e della Integrazione Europea. Durante l’incontro, sono stati discussi tutti gli aspetti dell’emigrazione albanese in Italia ed è stato espresso […]
Read moreConference on the Responsibility of States, Institutions and Individuals in the Fight against Anti-Semitism in the OSCE Area
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Angelino Alfano, in his capacity as the Chairperson-in-Office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), chaired the “Conference on the Responsibility of States, Institutions and Individuals in the Fight against Anti-Semitism in the OSCE Area” at the Farnesina today. The event was attended by […]
Read moreConference on the responsibility of countries, public institutions and individuals in combatting anti-Semitism in the OSCE area
Si è tenuta oggi la Conferenza Stampa di lancio della ‘Conferenza sulla Responsabilità degli Stati, delle Istituzioni e degli Individui nella lotta all’Anti-Semitismo nell’area OSCE’ che si terrà il 29 gennaio alla Farnesina. L’evento è organizzato in cooperazione con l’OSCE e con il sostegno dell’ODIHR (Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights), nonché in collaborazione con l’Unione […]
Read moreItaly at Expo 2020 Dubai
Italy’s participation in the upcoming World Expo, which will take place in Dubai from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, aims to present Italy’s cultural and creative identity, capable of combining art and science, tradition and technology, creativity and beauty as the basis of global dialogue. It is a project developed by teamwork that […]
Read moreItaly at Expo 2020 Dubai
Italy’s participation in the upcoming World Expo that will take place in Dubai from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, aims to present Italy’s cultural and creative identity, capable of combining art and science, tradition and technology, creativity and beauty as the basis of global dialogue. It is a project developed by teamwork that […]
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