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Recall – A new USA-EU Marshall Plan for the Mediterranean and Middle East: economic development and cooperation policies (Rome, 26 February 2015)

Please be reminded that on Thursday 26 February, starting at 15:30, the Farnesina will host the event “A new USA-EU Marshall Plan for the Mediterranean and Middle East: economic development and cooperation policies”.

The conference is promoted by the Mediterranean Prospects Association in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Ebert Foundation (FES-Italia), EURISPES, the University of Calabria, the Italian mission to the European Commission and  the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (PAM), is the fruit of a ten-year effort supported by the foreign ministry’s Central Direction for the Mediterranean and Middle East. Its aim is to promote dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian experts on the themes of economic development and cooperation. The debate will focus on the latest results of studies on crucial issues such as water and energy resources, and under-employment and attempts to raise it through mechanisms of financial inclusion, with the goal of establishing common grounds for peaceful co-existence and development.

Online accreditation system. Journalists, photographers and TV crews interested in following the event should:

– complete the interactive form available at” href=””>

– attach all required documentation (if not already submitted) to the form, in digital format

Required documentation:

– a letter from your media organisation

– for foreign journalists in Italy: a note verbale issued by the Embassy in Rome of your media organisation’s country.

If you are unable to complete the online accreditation procedure, please send your application by fax, on your media organisation’s letterhead, to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (tel. 06/3691.3432-8573-8210).

Accredited members of the press will be admitted at the main entrance to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, left side, at 15:00.

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