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ACCREDITATION NOTICE – Event on “The Coffee Supply Chain in Latin America and the Caribbean” (Expo Milano, Cascina Triulza, 27 September 2015)

On Sunday 27 September the Directorate General for Development Cooperation (DGDC) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) is organising an event dedicated to promoting Central American coffee. It is being organised in collaboration with the Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare di Firenze (IAO), the Italian-Latin American Institute (IILA), the Italian Coffee Committee, the “Café Latino” Association, the Slow Food Foundation for Diversity, Oxfam Italia, Fairtrade, the Italian branch of the Investment and Technology Promotion Offices of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO ITPO Italia) and the European Commission. The event will illustrate the specific features of the different production regions and underscore the importance of access to new markets.

Flavour will of course be discussed, but so too will the origin of coffee products, the transformation of the raw materials and the marketing of coffee in Italy. Thinking of consumers and their choices, the event will also examine distribution channels and illustrate the commercial process around coffee in Italy.

The production regions of each country will be represented by their national body and by an Italian coffee-roasting plant.

Speakers will include Mariarosa Stevan, Director General of the IAO; Juan Fernando Holguín Flores, Deputy President of the IILA and Ecuador’s Ambassador to Italy; Mario Cerutti, President of the Italian Coffee Committee; Piero Sardo, President of the Slow Food Foundation for Diversity; Paolo Pastore, Director of Fairtrade Italia; and Henriette Geiger, head of Geographical Coordination Latin America and Caribbean at the European Commission’s Directorate General for international Cooperation and Development.

The afternoon will see tastings at the Coffee Cluster, in Guatemala and El Salvador’s spaces, of coffee from Central America’s most important production regions (Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua). Visitors will also be able to speak directly to representatives of production cooperatives in these countries. 

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