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Seoul, the virtual day on higher education in Italy

Today, the Italian Embassy and the Italian Institute of Culture in Seoul, in partnership with Uni-Italia, a centre for the academic promotion of and guidance to study programmes in Italy, held a Virtual day on higher education in Italy, with the aim of attracting larger numbers of students from South Korea to Italy.  

The event, held by conference call at 4 pm local time (9 am di Rome) at High Street Italia – an Italian space created by the ICE Agency office in Seoul, in the heart of Chungdam, the most exclusive neighbourhood in the capital of South Korea – has become an enormous success, both with Italian universities, thanks to the effective coordination by Uni-Italia, and with the Korean public. Participants in the event included forty-eight Italian universities, research institutions and institutes of higher education in the arts, music and dancing, and about twenty Korean foreign study agencies and three Korean testimonials with experience of attending study programmes in Italy. 




The event was opened by the Italian Ambassador in Seoul Federico Failla and the Secretary General of Uni-Italia Alberto Ortolani, followed by a presentation of the Italian system of higher education, by Uni-Italia, the presentation of a market survey on the Republic of Korea conducted by the Embassy and the account of three Korean testimonials with study experience in Italy. 

The virtual day is part of a series of original events for promoting the Italian education system, primarily targeting Korean agencies offering study programmes abroad.  

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