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BOLIVIA – Italian exports growing

According to figures provided by the Italian Embassy in La Paz, Italian exports to Bolivia grew by 85.96% in 2012, to 170.9 million dollars. Imports of Bolivian goods also increased, by 29.85%, making a total value of 50.9 million dollars and giving Italy a trade surplus of over 120 million dollars. The excellent performance of our exports is confirmed by the fact that we are now the leading European exporters to Bolivia, having overtaken Germany and Spain.

MFA support initiatives for business

Some of our exports cannot be measured, since Bolivia has no direct access to the sea and some Italian goods have to cross at least one other border before reaching their destination. Moreover, food and similar products are imported by representatives or distributors of Italian brands operating in neighbouring countries, so are not picked up in surveys.

Our export success can partly be explained by the growing improvement of Bolivia’s economy and partly by our Embassy’s support initiatives for business. These include presentations of Italian products, promotion of the “Made in Italy” brand and collaboration with the ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency in Santiago del Chile, which also covers Bolivia.

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