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Full throttle Putin

“Full throttle Putin”: the Russian president, his Crimea decision and relations with Ukraine, takes top billing in the latest issue of Longitude, the geopolitical magazine directed by Pialuisa Bianco and on newsstands as of 5 April. Other focuses include ”The twisting roads of Arab transition” and “Erdogan’s Turkey”.

The ”Fiscal Compact” according to Bini Smaghi

Former ECB commissioner and author of a recently published book on Europe, Lorenzo Bini Smaghi contributes an editorial analysis on the “Fiscal Compact” and how it’s impact should be interpreted.

Blowing the lid off”

In ”Blowing the lid off” the magazine’s chief editor looks at the numerous and, as yet, unsolved crises around the world, along with the economic shock waves striking emerging economies and the remaining ripple effect of the economic downturn on the West.

The role of Putin

The cover story on the role of the Russian premier hooks into a series of other coverage inside the issue on the situation in the Crimea and Ukraine and the start of a serious geopolitical crisis that overturns the spontaneous order created after the Second World War and that lack of a clear indication of what will come after.

Obama’s foreign policy

Another section of the magazine is dedicated to the foreign policy of US president Barack Obama: much emphasis on ideals, while, according to the polls, many Americans believe their nation has lost “relevance” in the world.

Other topics

Other topics include an analysis on Iceland, which has been through a serious economic-financial crisis and is now leaning toward Europe, and a reconstruction of the conditions in Rwanda twenty years on from the tragedy.

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