The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Italy and Malta, Enzo Moavero e Carmelo Abela, referring to the complex situation concerning ships transporting migrants, their entry into the territorial waters of both Countries, the docking and landing in Italian and Maltese ports, confirm their firm determination to cooperate with each other.
However, they reaffirm that it is essential to ensure effective governance of migration flows to Europe, because it is no longer acceptable to proceed on a case-by case basis, seeking emergency solutions while faced with ever growing political difficulties and serious hardships. To this end, a permanent mechanism needs to be structured at the EU level to deal with all the sensitive aspects of migration without being limited solely to asylum procedures. Reforming the Dublin regulation is not enough, we need to go further and take care of all migrants.
In order for a comprehensive discussion to be initiated working towards a common EU migration policy, the two Ministers ask that a specific and explicit item be included on the agenda of the upcoming EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting in July.