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Del Re to the UN. Italian Cooperation is committed to reducing disaster risk

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Emanuela Del Re, held a virtual meeting with Mami Mizutori, Head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). The meeting was an opportunity to reaffirm the commitment of Italian Cooperation in the field of disaster risk reduction and to explore possible areas of collaboration.

The Vice Minister expressed her satisfaction for the ongoing collaboration with UNDRR and highlighted her concern for the effects of climate change in Africa on the humanitarian level, in particular on food security and the forced displacement of populations. Italy, she continued, attaches great importance to its partnership with the African continent, based on collaboration, mutual learning and capacity-building activities. She then mentioned exchanges of experiences in risk prevention and reduction between research centres and academia in a perspective of North-South and South-South cooperation.

“Preparedness is central to Italy’s humanitarian strategy, which includes a sustainable, holistic and informed approach to disaster risk. Our ‘partnership with Africa’ is underpinned by the idea of strengthening the African continent’s capacity to assess, prepare and act promptly and in a coordinated manner, at the different levels, whenever a disaster occurs.” – Ms. Del Re said, stressing the importance of identifying risk profiles. To this end, also, the Vice Minister confirmed to Ms. Mizutori that Italy will continue to support UNDRR in its commitments in Africa in 2021.

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