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GER/FRA/ITA Co-Chairs Summary UN General Assembly Side Event on Libya, 22 September

On 22 September 2021, the Foreign Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Heiko Maas, of the French Republic, Mr. Jean-Yves Le Drian, and of the Italian Republic, Mr. Luigi Di Maio, co[1]chaired a Ministerial meeting on Libya on the margins of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly. The meeting was attended by United Nations Under-Secretary General Ms. Rosemary DiCarlo, United Nations Special Envoy Mr. Ján Kubiš as well as Ministers of Foreign Affairs and senior representatives from Member States and regional organizations which are part of the Berlin Process, as well as from Libya’s southern neighboring countries.

The participants referred to the conclusions of the two Berlin Conferences on Libya. They expressed their gratitude to United Nations Special Envoy and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Mr. Ján Kubiš, for his efforts in the Libyan-led and UN-facilitated political process.

The participants called for a swift adoption of the Security Council resolution needed to extend the UNSMIL mandate. They highlighted the need of a stable UNSMIL mandate to achieve peace and stability in Libya. The participants welcomed the statements of the President of the Libyan Presidential Council, Mr. Mohamed Younes al-Mnefi, and of Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Ms. Najila Mangoush.

The participants highlighted the need for regional and international stakeholders to work together to help the Libyans find a lasting political settlement.

The participants also highlighted the need for the extension of the mandate of the Fact Finding Mission by the UN Human Rights Council.


The participants urged the preparation and holding of national Parliamentary and Presidential elections on 24 December 2021, as stipulated in the Roadmap of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum and endorsed by Security Council resolution 2570 (2021). Participants agreed that the necessary preparations must be made in order to allow for free, fair and inclusive Parliamentary and Presidential elections to be held on 24 December 2021.

Participants reiterated their readiness to provide all necessary assistance to the HNEC for the preparation of elections.


The participants commended the sustained stability of the ceasefire and lauded the opening of the Coastal Road, as well as the confidence-building measures resulting in release of detainees and joint security activities. Participants commended the efforts made by the 5+5 Joint Military Committee to ensure the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the withdrawal of all foreign forces and mercenaries.

They stressed the need to immediately engage in withdrawal of foreign forces and mercenaries, beginning with foreign mercenaries on both sides, in a manner co-ordinated with Libya’s neighboring countries.

The participants urged further efforts regarding Security Sector Reform and a process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, resulting in united security forces under civilian control.

The meeting was permeated by broad agreement that violations of the United Nations arms embargo had to stop immediately.


The participants stressed the need to maintain stability in the oil sector and for an equitable and transparent management of oil revenues among all regions of the country. They urged the Libyan House of Representatives to adopt a state budget and the Libyan authorities to make progress on economic reforms.

Humanitarian and Human Rights

The participants urged the Libyan government to mitigate concerns of international human rights and humanitarian organizations regarding access, in particular issues regarding availability of Libyan visas and registering organizations in Libya. They called on the Libyan government to enable repatriation and resettlement flights. Participants expressed concern regarding the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic in Libya, including on vulnerable groups like refugees, displaced persons and migrants. They renewed their commitment to assist the Government of National Unity in its efforts to address the pandemic, including through the provision of vaccines, as reaffirmed at Second Berlin Conference. They encouraged the Libyan governments to increase their efforts for improving the human rights situation in Libya and keep up the steps taken to ensure reconciliation and transitional justice.

n this regard, they stressed the need for the extension, during the ongoing 48th session of the Human Rights Council, of the mandate of the Fact-Finding Mission established by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations to investigate human rights violations in Libya.

They urged the Libyan government to introduce the necessary resolution.


The co-chairs thanked the participants for their contributions and commitments. They stressed the importance of coherent and coordinated efforts under the umbrella and leadership of the United Nations.

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