On Tuesday, 16 November, at 10:00, the “Albergo Etico” (Ethical Hotel) project will be presented in the Sala Aldo Moro at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The event will be attended by Senator Erika Stefani, Minister for Disabilities, the Hon. Manlio Di Stefano, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the President of “Albergo Etico” Alex Toselli and several members of the project staff. The meeting will be moderated by Ambassador Lorenzo Angeloni, Director General for Cultural and Economic Promotion and Innovation. National representatives of several Third Sector organisations will also attend, as well as other personalities and institutions from the social world.
“Albergo Etico” is a social enterprise whose mission is to offer job opportunities and the chance to express talents and help young people with Down’s syndrome and other forms of disability to enter the world of work, by way of training programmes with the support of professionals in the hotel and catering sector. Sixty-five per cent of the boys and girls with disabilities participating in the “Albergo Etico” project find a job. Established in 2009, with an expanding network in Italy and abroad, “Albergo Etico” is a valuable partner for developing actions aimed at promoting the tourism and food sectors on the basis of sustainability and inclusion. Over the years, a number of diplomatic-consular offices have already received the opportunity of collaborating with the “Albergo Etico” project in the organisation of events during the “Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel mondo” (Week of Italian Cuisine in the World), engaging the enterprise’s staff to provide catering services. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to expand this collaboration with “Albergo Etico” to help its internationalisation process, participation in events linked to hospitality abroad and involvement in structured integrated promotion projects, highlighting the values and opportunities associated with the innovative business model represented by “Albergo Etico”.