The 9th Meeting of the National Development Cooperation Council (CNCS) chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister Marina Sereni was held today at the attendance of the Director General for Development Cooperation, Fabio Cassese, the Director of AICS, Luca Maestripieri, the coordinators of the Council’s 5 Working Groups, and the representatives of the three major Italian networks of civil society organisations. The other members of the Council attended via video conferencing in representation of all its public and private, and profit and non-profit member organisations. The points on the agenda included planning the Italian Cooperation Service’s actions for 2022; planning and co-designing development cooperation policies; the outcome of the second National Development Cooperation Conference “CO-OPERA 2022” (Rome, 23-24 June 2022), of the OCSE-DAC Mid-Term Peer Review and of the Voluntary National Review – UN High Level Political Forum; giving an update on the activities of the Working Groups.