The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Antonio Tajani, together with Deputy Minister Edmondo Cirielli, chair the tenth plenary meeting of the National Council for Development Cooperation (CNCS), at the Foreign Ministry.
The Deputy Prime Minister said: “Development cooperation is an integral and relevant part of foreign policy and will be one of the essential components of the Mattei Plan for Africa that the Government is preparing to launch. Through our Development Cooperation we make essential professionalism, tools and resources available to Africa to promote and achieve its sustainable development, by also addressing – in a concrete and effective way – the causes of irregular migration. This is the reason why we work, with all the Italian Cooperation’s players, to provide concrete alternatives to many young people who must not be forced to resort to human traffickers as the only way out of poverty”.
The event allow a constructive discussion on strategies, guidelines and methods to further strengthen the efficacy and impact of the action undertaken by our Development Cooperation in the world.
The meeting of the CNCS – a body that brings together over 70 of the main public and private, profit and non-profit entities in development cooperation, pursuant to Article 16 of Law No. 125/2014 – demonstrates, once again, the vitality of the Italian development cooperation system, which finds an important strength in the multi-player approach, as repeatedly recognized by the international community.
Faced with conflicts, violations of human rights, humanitarian emergencies and growing instability – also linked to global challenges such as food insecurity, the energy transition and climate change – there is the increasing need to ensure greater synergies and complementarities between the action of central and local administrations, the private sector, the academic world, the third sector, diasporas and the spontaneous cooperation of missionaries, foundations, charitable and religious bodies.