Deputy Foreign Minister Emanuela del Re at the UN training centre in Turin
The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Emanuela Del Re, visited the UN International Training Centre in Turin. On meeting the interim director of UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), Bettina Ticci Bartsiotas, the Deputy Foreign Minister discussed the perspective of relaunching the Institute, which has the active support of […]
Read moreParigi: giornata di orientamento per studenti di italiano
Il Consolato Generale di Parigi ha organizzato una Giornata di orientamento agli studi, giunta quest’anno alla sesta edizione, cui hanno preso parte oltre 250 studenti degli ultimi anni del liceo italiano Leonardo da Vinci di Parigi, delle sezioni italiane dei licei internazionali Honoré de Balzac di Parigi e Saint-Germain-en-Laye e delle sezioni ESABAC di alcuni […]
Read moreParis: Guidance Day for Italian language students
Guidance Day for Italian language students in Paris The Consulate General in Paris organised a Guidance Day for Italian students, at its sixth edition this year. The event was attended by more than 250 students in their last years of the Italian Leonardo da Vinci Lyceum in Paris, the Italian sections of the Honoré de Balzac international […]
Read moreLondon: Italy celebrates the restitution of eight lots of ancient artworks
Today, the Italian Embassy in London hosted the restitution ceremony of eight lots of ancient artworks and a page of an illuminated code, that were given back to Italy by Christie’s auction house. The event was attended by the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Alberto Bonisoli, the Italian Ambassador in London, Raffaele Trombetta, Carabinieri Commander for the Protection […]
Read moreMaurizio Pollini in Madrid for the Great Performers Festival
Last night Madrid’s Auditorio Nacional de Musica had a great event featuring Maestro Maurizio Pollini. The pianist’s performance was part of the 24th edition of the cycle of Great Performers organised by the Fondazione Scherzo. The Italian Cultural Institute cooperated with the Foundation to promote Maestro Pollini’s concert. Since 2001, the Fondazione Scherzo has concentrated its […]
Read moreItalian Food Festival arrives in Myanmar for the first time
The Italian Food Festival opened in Yangoon for the first time and was a big success. Organised by the Italian Embassy to Myanmar, the event enabled all Italian restaurants operating in Yangoon, along with importers and distributors of Italian food and wine products, to set up a common platform with a view to promoting and […]
Read moreAgreement between the Milano-Bicocca University and the Republic of Maldives
The Agreement between the Milano-Bicocca University and the Government of the Republic of Maldives to renew the presence of the University in Magoodhoo Island through its MaRHE Research Centre was signed at the presence of Italian Ambassador Rita Giuliana Mannella, the Rector Cristina Messa, the pro Rector Andrea Giovanni Maria Biondi and the Director of the […]
Read moreCelebration of the 90th anniversary of the signing of the Lateran Treaty
On 11 February 1929, the Lateran Treaty establishing bilateral relations between Italy and the Holy See was signed in the”Sala della Conciliazione” of the Palazzo Apostolico del Laterano. The Treaty assured to the “Holy See in a permanent manner a position in fact and in law which guarantees it absolute independence for the fulfilment of […]
Read moreA new paediatric and gynaecological clinic is about to open in Kabul
The new paediatric and gynaecological clinic is about to become operational at the Kabul National Military Hospital. The clinic, which an Italian 8.5 million dollar contribution has made possible, will provide health care services for women serving in the Army and their children. The facility is designed to protect these women’s right to health as […]
Read moreLebanon: Italy pledges one million euros to UNICEF for WASH
The Italian Government has pledged one million euros for the most vulnerable children living in Lebanon through a contribution to UNICEF’s WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) programme. It was the Italian Ambassador to Lebanon, Massimo Mariotti, who signed the pledge together with UNICEF representative Tanya Chapuisat. Present at the signing ceremony was also Donatella Procesi, […]
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