Foreign Minister Giulio Terzi will be meeting the Serbian Prime Minister, Ivica Dacic, at the Farnesina on Monday 5 November at 15.45.
A joint press point is scheduled at the end of the meeting.
Journalists and camera operators interested in following the event are asked to apply for specific accreditation using the online accreditation system. Please complete the interactive form available at to which all required documentation not already submitted must be attached in digital format. This includes a letter from their media organisation and, for foreign journalists in Italy, a note verbale issued by the Embassy in Rome of their media organisation).
If it is not possible to complete the online accreditation procedure, applications should be sent by fax to the Foreign Ministry’s Press and Institutional Communication Service (fax 06/3691.2122–tel. 06/3691.3432)
Accredited journalists/photographers should enter the Ministry by the rear entrance at “via della Macchia della Farnesina”, from 15.45 onwards.