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Ambassador Lo Cascio at the “Belgrade Economic Forum”

In recent days Ambassador of Italy in Belgrade, Carlo Lo Cascio, has participated, together with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom Sian Macleod, in the panel “Climate Changes and Natural Disasters: Transformation Policies for a Sustainable Future” within the “Belgrade Economic Forum”, now in its 21st edition.

In his speech, Ambassador Lo Cascio has stressed the quality of the work carried out by the Italian Civil Protection in responding to emergencies and supporting the importance of prevention in the event of disasters. Prevention – he clarified – both in terms of operator training and, above all, in terms of reducing risk factors, given their high environmental impact. He has also called for response planning and the involvement of all stakeholders.

“It is crucial – the Ambassador said – to reduce the sources of pollution and to involve the new generations, paying heed to their environmental sensitivity. In the light of the results obtained in Milan, we have great expectations for the COP 26 Summit in Glasgow co-chaired by Italy and the United Kingdom – he added – to undertake immediate and large-scale initiatives to combat climate change”.

Ambassador Lo Cascio has finally recalled the importance of a public and private partnership to cover the costs of a green transition, which can represent an excellent opportunity for both social and economic growth.

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