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Statement from the Embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States and EU in Kosovo

We reiterate our 26 May statement condemning Kosovo’s decision to force access into municipal buildings in the north of Kosovo despite our repeated calls for restraint. In this context, the Quint and EU’s expectation is that the authorities of the Government of Kosovo will undertake no new measures to force access to the municipal buildings in Leposavic, Zubin Potok, and Zvecan. The elected Mayors should also show restraint and take immediate action to demonstrate their commitment and responsibility to represent and serve all members of their communities.

At the same time, we strongly caution all parties against other threats or actions which could impact on a safe and secure environment, including freedom of movement, and that could inflame tensions or promote conflict. We are particularly concerned about the safety and welfare of civilians, police officers, EULEX, and KFOR members. New unilateral actions will negatively impact relations with the Quint countries and the EU.

The Quint and EU emphasize that the EU-facilitated Dialogue is the path to the normalization of relations and EU accession. We remind the parties to work jointly on the next steps for the implementation of the Agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia in February and March this year, including on the ASMM, and to take part constructively and sincerely in upcoming Dialogue meetings.



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