The Foreign Ministry offers some online platforms that provide Italian companies with useful information on markets and opportunities. In particular,
InfoMercatiEsteri provides country fact sheets containing information on the economic and political outlook, market opportunities (what to sell and where to invest), promotional initiatives, trade barriers, investment problems and possible risks, access to credit, and an overview of the Italian presence and bilateral relations. The
ExTender platform, instead, provides – subject to free registration – information on international tenders for the supply of goods, services or the realisation of works; “early warnings”, i.e. anticipations on tenders not yet published; news on multilateral projects and financing. News (calls for tenders and early warnings) on an average of over 7,000 tenders are published annually on ExTender and it is possible to activate customised alerts referring to specific countries or sectors. Moreover, the Foreign Ministry promotes and finances the programme
“Invest your Talent in Italy”, which enables companies to place highly qualified students from strategic markets for a period of internship in their structure.