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Diplomazia Economica/Sole 24 Ore – Czech Republic: Brno Engineering Fair

The 55th annual International Engineering Fair, MSV 2013, was held in Brno, where it attracted more than 1500 Czech, European and non-European producers. Turkey was this year’s guest of honour, with a pavilion that showcased power engineering, financial and industrial investment services. Italy returned this year with 66 firms, slightly fewer than 2012. Participants included industry leaders such as Acerbis Italia Spa, Decsa srl, Trafil Czech and various trade associations such as the CCIAA of Pisa, the Esportatori Piantinini Consortium, the PICTO-Componentistica Meccanica Toscana Consortium and Liguria International. Italy ranks 5th in the world, with a 6.2% share, for engineering exports to the Czech Republic, a sector where the financial downturn seems to have had less of an impact. According to President of the Association of Engineering Industries Peter Zemanek, the industry will show a turnover of 15 billion koruna (approx. €590 million) this year, up 14.1 billion over last year. Read more, in Italian.


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