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Mediterranean – Italy committed to sustainable tourism

Developing sustainable tourism by involving SMEs and the civil society in the discovery of the vast wealth of the Mediterranean is the goal of Open Network for Mediterranean Sustainable Tourism II, a project officially launched in a ceremony held at the University of Saint Esprit in Kaslik, Lebanon. The initiative, financed through ENPI Cross-Border Cooperation in the Mediterranean (CBCMED), places Italy as leader of a group of partner countries that includes Lebanon, Tunisia, Palestine, Jordan, Spain and Greece. The City of Ispica in the province of Ragusa (Sicily) is the project’s promoter and coordinator.

Delegations hold 3 days of technical meetings

The ceremony closed three days of technical meetings held by the delegations of the various partner countries. The project’s aim is to develop sustainable, and even transnational, tourism whose focus will be to lead visitors on enogastronomic, environmental, artisan and cultural excursions in and around the Mediterranean, with the help of local institutions, associations, businesses and trades.

Prominent role for SMEs

A prominent role will be played by small and medium-sized local tourism and high-quality artisan enterprises. The project also envisages a training component for the operators of those enterprises.

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