Meat products: record Italian exports in 2013 but barriers remain in many countries
In 2013 the cured meat products market saw nearly 1.2 billion euros in exports and total sales of 8 billion, a fall of 0.5% on the figure for 2012. Foreign demand for Italian meat products exceeded 143,500 tons, a rise of 3.8% to a new record of 1.18 billion euros (up 5.7%). Lisa Ferrarini, the president of the Italian Meat Products Association (ASSICA), commented on the urgent need to resolve the problems facing exporters of “salumi” and port products to non-European Union countries where tariff and non-tariff barriers are still in place. She also remarked on the need for greater protection of the “Made in Italy” brand in the sector. ASSICA also underscored the need to eradicate veterinary diseases from certain regions: these conditions make it impossible to export fresh and short-cured meats to international markets, with resulting annual losses of around 250 million euros. Source: Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor.
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