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Webinar on “Diplomatic and commercial relations between Italy and Iran – 160 years of mutual cooperation”

The Italy-Iran Chamber of Commerce is organising a series of initiatives, which will take place throughout 2021, with a view to boosting economic relations between the two countries and providing Italian companies with tools for information and business training.

The first of these initiatives is a webinar entitled “Diplomatic and commercial relations between Italy and Iran – 160 years of mutual cooperation”, which will be held on 15 June at 10:00 on the Zoom platform, with the participation of – among others – the Italian Ambassador to Iran, Giuseppe Perrone, and the Diplomatic Advisor to the Ministry of Economic Development, Paolo Dionisi.

The programme of the event will take stock of the evolution of diplomatic and commercial relations, the agreements currently in force between the two countries, as well as the opportunities and potential for Italian companies, thanks to Iran’s position and its role as an industrial and commercial centre for the Middle East and Central Asia. To participate in the webinar please write to the email

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