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First meeting between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and senior representatives of international law organisations based in Italy

“Together for human rights, the rule of law and governance”. That is how the first meeting between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and senior representatives of the international law organisations based in Italy could be summed up. The meeting, which took place at the Farnesina, was chaired by Secretary General Michele Valensise. Under-Secretary Mario Giro also took part.

“Today’s meeting was an opportunity to build on the expertise of the network of international law organisations based here in Italy”, observed Under-Secretary Giro. The network is composed of the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT), the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI, based in Turin), the International Institute of Humanitarian Law (IIHL, based in Sanremo), the Council of Europe’s Venice Commission and the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (ISISC, based in Siracusa).

The rule of law and the post-2015 agenda

“Italy and international law organisations are helping to draw up the post-2015 agenda”, underscored Valensise. “We intend to promote the full inclusion of the rule of law principle in the sustainable development goals that will be approved in New York in September 2015”.

Events in Italy – July-October 2014

Three initiatives for the second half of 2014 were announced at today’s meeting.

The first, a meeting on the linkage between development and the rule of law being organised by the Farnesina and IDLO, will take place in Rome on 21 July. Another, organised by ISISC and focusing on global issues, human rights and international justice, will take place in Siracusa from 3 to 7 September. And the third, promoted by the Farnesina and the Venice Commission and scheduled for 9-11 October in Rome, will examine governance and democratic participation in the “Arab Spring” countries.

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