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Law No. 125/2014: Joint Development Cooperation Committee convenes for the 5th time

Today the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Mario Giro, chaired the fifth meeting of the Joint Development Cooperation Committee, the deliberative body of Italian Cooperation established by Law No. 125/2014.

During today’s meeting the Committee passed 18 deliberations worth nearly 50 million euros, subdivided between tied aid and voluntary contributions to international organizations for the implementation of development projects.

On the meeting’s agenda were also two reports: one on Public Development Aid in 2015 and the projections for 2016; the other on the 2016-2018 three-year plan for future development cooperation activities in Tunisia.

 “Five meetings and 67 deliberations passed for a value of 301 million Euros in slightly more than six months – said Deputy Minister Giro – are the tangible sign of the Committee’s vitality, also thanks to the constant contribution of the Administrations invited to participate such as the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of the Environment and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which is called upon to assure the implementation of Italy’s Development Cooperation initiatives.” The Minister continued: “Today’s meeting is tangible proof of the vitality of Italy’s new cooperation system set up by Law No. 125.”

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