Today Deputy Minister Manlio Di Stefano took part in the second African Union Commission’s (AUC) – International Energy Agency (IEA) Ministerial Forum.
“The connection between energy and the environment forms to core of our work,” said the Deputy Minister, “smart cities, innovative energy technologies, sustainable investments – also from a post pandemic viewpoint -, energy security, and the end of energy poverty. For both Africa and Europe the future cannot but be affected by these points, and we wish to work ever more closely together, to achieve them.”
The matters dealt with included support for energy transition in Europe and Africa, the Italian Presidency of the G20, and the joint Italian – United Kingdom Presidency of the CoP26, the role of hydrogen in decarbonisation, and renewable energy incentives in general.
“Given the enormous potential of the African continent in terms of renewable energy, Africa could become Europe’s prime partner in producing “green” hydrogen”, concluded Deputy Minister Di Stefano.