The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) adheres to the initiative promoted by MIBACT “L’Italia chiamò. Courage, resilience, talent: the antibodies of Italians and Italians at the time of the coronavirus” (#litaliachiamo), with a video contribution dedicated to the Farnesina Collection and a focus on four works by Michelangelo Pistoletto, Emilio Vedova, Carla Accardi and Vanessa Beecroft, representing a country that does not surrender and continues to produce and spread culture even in difficult times.
Visits to the Collection, which presents 450 masterpieces of contemporary art created by 250 Italian artists, are currently suspended due to the Coronavirus emergency, but the care of the heritage continues. For this reason, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Farnesina) participates in the solidarity marathon “L’Italia chiamò”, making its Collection available in an alternative way.
The uninterrupted 18-hour live broadcast with the protagonists of the world of culture, science, economics and innovation is broadcast today, Friday, March 13, from 6am to midnight on and the MiBACT YouTube channel.