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Italy and India united against terrorism and organised crime

Italia e India unite contro terrorismo e crimine organizzato
Italia e India unite contro terrorismo e crimine organizzato

Italy and India are increasingly united in their efforts against terrorism and violent extremism. This was the outcome of the fourth meeting of the Italy-India Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism and Transnational Organised Crime, held today in New Delhi.

On the occasion of the renewal of the strategic partnership between the two countries, the Deputy Director General for Political Affairs/Principal Director for Security of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Alessandro Azzoni, and the Joint Secretary for Counter Terrorism of the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, K. D. Dewal, leading their respective delegations, shared their national expertise in preventing and countering terrorism and transnational criminal organisations, violent extremism and radicalisation, as well as in the fight against terrorist financing and money laundering.

The meeting also allowed to relaunch the negotiation of bilateral agreements on judicial and security cooperation to facilitate the exchange of information and enhance cooperation in capacity building.


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