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Farnesina Collection – next opening to the public on 28 June

Collezione Farnesina, 28 giugno prossima apertura al pubblico
Collezione Farnesina, 28 giugno prossima apertura al pubblico

The next opening to the public of the Farnesina Collection and Palazzo della Farnesina will be held on Friday 28 June. It will be the last event to take place before the summer break. The day is part of the “Aperti per voi’” (Open for you) initiative of the Italian Touring Club, which the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has joined since 2016.

In addition to visiting the main rooms of the building and the thematic sections of the Farnesina Collection, visitors will be able to book a new tour offering the opportunity to walk through the spaces of the Crisis Unit and discover the main activities carried out for the protection of Italian citizens abroad, as well as to visit the “Sala delle Bandiere” (Hall of Flags), which houses the largest collection of international flags of the Italian Public Administration.

For further information on visits and booking procedures, please visit the Farnesina Collection website.

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